Helicopters, tear gas, even rubber bullets ripped through the Seattle air as protestors voiced their outrage against racial injustice these...
As we begin a new year, many people are struggling with finding hope. Some are concerned about mounting personal expenses...
I was sitting in the living room at my computer one day, when my fourteen-year-old son, who sat two tables...
Are you feeling defeated and overwhelmed? Life can feel like a treadmill sometimes. You’re running, exerting effort, but don’t feel...
You can help relieve stress by cultivating hope. Stress causes us to narrow our view. When we hear a car...
Decisions, Decisions – How Meditation Helps you Make Them “You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of...
Student Trauma In this post I’m going to discuss how a student’s personal trauma can affect stress in the classroom....
When clients bring in social media stories involving their Snapchat, Instagram or Facebook accounts, very few have positive experiences. Stories...
Could your gut be causing your anxiety and stress? Sometimes when you’re anxious, your gut feels unsettled. You may feel...
Don’t Let Stress Ruin the Holiday The holidays are upon us and that, for many, means holiday stress. While the...